How to handle Vocal Stereotypy in the classroom

Behavioral Strategies for Vocal Stereotypy


What is vocal stereotypy? any non-contextual noises and/or sounds that are produced by the vocal chords and emitted through the mouth.

By far, vocal stereotypy is one of my biggest challenges in my classroom. Vocal stereotypy is automatically reinforcing to the students (they want to listen to themselves!) so it is very hard to stop… which is why we work on shaping it into an appropriate behavior!

By shaping the vocalizations into a more functional behavior, we are decreasing an inappropriate behavior, at the same time increasing a desirable behavior!


So… what can we shape that “TV talk” into?

talk friend

Talk to a friend!

Students want to talk about their favorite TV shows, so let’s capitalize on that! …. but here is the catch- they have to talk to a friend or teacher about it! BAM! Increasing socialization and decreasing inappropriate vocalizations all at once! Provide the student with a sentence starter regarding their topic and point them in the direction of a friendly face!

Writing a journal entry!

I have some kiddos that LOVE talking about game shows. I know that all the time slots for GSN, Jeff Foxworthy hosts the American Bible Challenge, and all of the game show tunes. (That’s the stuff that gets us through our day, right?!) So! They love the game shows, create a journal for just that! Let them write to their hearts desire! But quietly, and not through spoken word.


Another strategy that I have found to work is giving a choice.

For example; if a student is engaging in “TV talk” I would give them a choice, “talk to a friend, or write in your journal.”

This way, you are not demanding the student to stop, you are shaping their behavior into a functional communicative request, or a written activity.

Request a break or have a designated area in which stereotypies are allowed 

Have the student request a “talking break” in which they can talk about all of their favorites.

These are just SOME of the strategies that I have found useful. Comment below and let me know what works in your classroom!

Below is a visual that I use in my classroom, it is listed on my Teachers pay Teachers site as a freebie this week :)


The Puzzle Pieces

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